LMAST4MC Graduated students (Alumni)

NameThesisDateCurrent position
Ludovico Di AntonioRadiative effects of carbonaceous aerosols on the Euro-Mediterrenan region
Supervisor: G. Curci, Co-supervisor: P. Tuccella
15 October 2020 PhD student at Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (Paris, France)
Martina ZapponiniArctic winds and sea-ice drift in CMIP6 climate models: evaluation, trends and mechanisms
Supervisor: Gianluca Redaelli, Co-Supervisor: Lorenzo Sangelantoni
17 March 2022PhD student at Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
(Bremerhaven, Germany)
Andrea BalottiAtmospheric boundary layer study at different time scales using ceilometer and balloon radiosoundings
Supervisor: V. Rizi, Co-supervisor: M. Iarlori
9 June 2022PhD student in Phyiscs at University of L’Aquila (L’Aquila, Italy)
Arjun VasukuttanSensitivity to soil moisture initialization in the simulation of Indian pre-monsoon season, using a regional climate numerical model
Supervisor: G. Redaelli; Co-Supervisor: L. Sangelantoni
13 October 2022Zero-Waste Coordinator at Green Connect in NSW (Australia)
Adhithiyan NeduncheranThe case study of Medicane Ianos: Investigation into its dynamics and thermodynamics
Supervisor: R. Ferretti, Co-Supervisor A. Ricchi
15 December 2022Meteorologist at GeoSphere Austria (Vienna, Austria)
Olivia VashtiAnalysis of An Intense Hail Event In
The Po Valley Region Of Italy Using WRF
Supervisor: R. Ferretti, Co-Supervisor A. Ricchi
15 December 2022PhD student in Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics at
University of Oxford (Oxford, UK)
Lorenzo Veltri GomesRaman Lidar observations of seasonal behaviour of the vertical profile of water vapour in the Argentinian Pampa
Supervisor: V. Rizi
14 December 2023Atmospheric Remote Sensing Scientist at Serco (Rome, Italy)
Evan David WellmeyerTropical Cyclone Triggering Mechanisms: Synoptic and Numerical Analysis
Supervisor: R. Ferretti, Co-supervisor: A. Ricchi
14 December 2023PhD student at University of Miami Rosenstiel School (Miami, USA)
Piero SerafiniMulti-model high resolution analysis of Mediterranean Hurricane Daniel with WRF and ICON
Supervisor: R. Ferretti, Co-supervisor: A. Ricchi
17 October 2024 PhD student in Phyiscs at University of L’Aquila (L’Aquila, Italy)
Cristiano D’AmicoSensitivity analysis of two medicane events in the Ionian Sea and Adriatic Sea through the WRF model
Supervisor: R. Ferretti, Co-supervisor: A. Ricchi
19 December 2024PhD student in Physics at University of L’Aquila (L’Aquila, Italy)
Loretta Pearl PokuComparative Analysis of the WRF Model and Machine Learning Approaches for Flood and Drought Detection and Prediction in Ghana.
Supervisor: R. Ferretti, Co-supervisor: F. Cioffi
19 December 2024PhD student at University of Bern (Bern, Switzerland)