LMAST4MC schedule

The LMAST4MC inter-university program foresees the following 2-year schedule with the following logistics:

  1. LMAST4MC first year is organized in L’Aquila (90 km from Rome, about 1-hour trip by bus from Tiburtina station) and students are introduced to atmospheric dynamics, climate modelling and environmental meteorology as well as to several complementary subjects on atmospheric physics.
    L’AQUILA, Edificio “R. Ricamo”, Via Vetoio – “Aula Didattica”, first floor
  2. LMAST4MC second year is organized in Rome and students acquire a basic knowledge related to major areas of fluid mechanics, meteorology, electromagnetics, statistical mechanics as well as complementary subjects on advanced and applied topics.
    ROME, Via Ariosto 25 (A)
    ROME, Via Eudossiana 18 (SPV)
    ROME, P.zza A. Moro 5 (CU)

The list of required and choice courses, with syllabi and teachers, is available at:

LMAST4MC UnivAQ Course Catalogue

The timetable of the lectures is available on this page of the Department of Physics and Chemistry @ UnivAQ:

Lectures Timetable